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latest published (16)

soon-to-be published (9)

in progress  (6)


31 books

last updated January 2024

If you've been here before, you won't want to drag through all the pages to find the new books so I've put them all here.


Just below, you can see the books that have come out most recently. Then those that are coming out soon. And finally there is a sneak preview of books I'm working on at the moment. All the books included here already have a contract.

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These books are already out, but they're new and insecure. Be nice to them. They have all been published in the last couple of years or so.

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The books in this section will be published in the next 12 months. I have finished my work on them, but they're going through the s-l-o-w process of being printed and shipped.

Fantastic Physics

Mind-bending Biology

Train Your Brain: Engineering

Train Your Brain: Science

Visual Timelines: Space

Weird and Wonderful Animal Facts

Scratch Art: Dinosaurs

Scratch Art: Space

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The books in this section are some I am still working on:

Weird and Wonderful Dinosaur Facts

Interesting Curriculum Math (4 titles)

50 Essential Ideas in Biology


And there are more queuing up, waiting to be written.

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